Starting this blog with the idea of getting some of the weird thoughts that pop through my head. I'll post anytime one of these thoughts happen. Thoughts on pen and paper RPG's will also be posted about. Useful comments are always welcome, I will be the one to define useful, erasing the comments that do not qualify as, I go.
Today I'm thinking about Element Bending:
This is attached to the elemental bending of the world of Avatar: The Last Air Bender, and Legend of Korra. This is also inspired by the xkcd comic Elements.
After looking at the comic and a long walk I started thinking about the applications of the different bending abilities and that instead of bending an element, they are in fact bending the physical state of the elements.
Water bending does not really bend just water, it bends anything in the liquid state. The blood bending and plant bending would be better explained this way, as would the healing abilities.
Air benders aren't just bending oxygen, but hydrogen and all the other elements involved.
Metal bending basically shows that bending the physical state is what is going on with Earth bending..... Unless it implies that only the alkaline metals, alkaline earth metals and the transitional metals or alloys of those metals? I'm sure the steel that is bent in the show is part carbon......
That leaves Fire bending as the act of bending plasma, or maybe just energy itself....
If this is true, it would open up what the bending abilities are and what the future may hold for them. Applying small amounts of science would be interesting, especially as the world of Avatar has shown much technology. Obviously this would step on the heels of Science application, as bending the states is not actually possible. Could a bender purify the elements? Would this increase the application of the different sciences? If detecting one element among others was possible with bending, could this be used to pull out specific elements and create alloys with just bending? The applications would be incredibly interesting, suddenly it's much easier to manipulate radio active elements.
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